Research and Supplementation
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The study of Amino Acids: The importance of essential and non-essential amino acids: Amino Acid: Benefits & Food Sources (
The study of vitamins and minerals: Should You Take Vitamins Daily? ( Blood work will tell you so!
Definition of “Intake (Pill)-Stacking”: More than one intake (pill) and/or “supplements” at the same time (with or without food). Notice: Absorbtion into the system is important and may need solitary space before the next intake/s. Example: What should be taken alone and/or, how much time before the next intake/s (with or without food). Many supplements like to be taken with food. Always fill up on good liquid either way!
Understanding vitamin and supplement competing: supplement and vitamin competing - Search Videos (
Liquid deficiency: 16 Reasons Why Water Is Important to Human Health (
Zinc deficiency: COVID-19: Poor outcomes in patients with zinc deficiency - PubMed ( >Major support for the Metabolism.
Iron deficiency: Iron-Deficiency Anemia: Symptoms, Treatments & Causes ( >Carries oxygen to the red blood cells.
Magnesium deficiency: Magnesium Salts Capsules or Tablets ( >Magnesium builds the white blood cells and crucial in attacking pathogens. Magnesium and Long COVID Symptoms:
The blood loves Omega 3, avoid blood clots!Magnesium deficiency has been implicated in some of these symptoms. It plays a role in cognitive function, energy production, and overall health.
Magnesium and Immune Function:
Magnesium improves the white blood cells’ ability to seek out and destroy germs.
Low magnesium levels can lead to a cytokine storm, where the body attacks its own cells and tissues instead of fighting off infection. This creates inflammation, cell and tissue damage, narrowed blood vessels, and blood clots2.Omega 3 Supplement: Omega 3 Fatty Acids and
Vitamin C Supplement:
Vitamin D Supplement: : Vitamin D and COVID-19: An Overview of Recent Evidence - PMC ( > The body needs D in order for Absorbtion.
B Vitamins May Help Improve COVID-19 Outcomes, Researchers Say ( - >The body needs signal senders (B-Complex works for me).
Taurine Supplement: Researchers identify amino acid that may play a key role for predicting and treating long COVID | Folio ( >Sulfuric need
Tyrosine: L-Tyrosine Benefits and Side Effects ( >Dopamine :)
Lysine: 4 Impressive Health Benefits of Lysine ( >Proven to stunt viral mutation.
Tryptophan (5-htp): Tryptophan oral capsules ( > Serotonin and 5-HTP (worth the study, people!) I take just the 5-HTP.
Tryptophan v. 5-HTP: Whether you go with L-tryptophan or 5-HTP is going to depend on what you’re looking to get out of it.5-HTP may synthesize serotonin faster and more effectively than L-tryptophan, making it a great option if you’re looking to boost mood. But if you’re looking to improve your sleep and overall well-being, consider L-tryptophan.
Serotonin Supplement (5-htp): Does serotonin deficiency lead to anosmia, ageusia, dysfunctional chemesthesis and increased severity of illness in COVID-19? - PMC ( > 5-HTP crosses brain barrier. When needed: usually at night time, before bed.
5-HTP Supplement (Serotonin): What Are The Benefits Of Taking 5-HTP? - YouTube > Study and start small!
GABA: Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA): What It Is, Function & Benefits (
GABA: GABA’s biochemical action is its regulation of serotonin and dopamine. Serotonin helps to release and regulate it along with glutamate, which are inhibitory and excitable messengers, respectively. Cliff: GABA 750mg. and 5-HTP 100mg.>> Cliff’s new intake: Before bed (stacking study 5/11/24)
NAC: N-acetylcysteine as a potential treatment for novel coronavirus disease 2019 - PMC (
NAC: NAC influences the amount of dopamine available in your brain. It works to keep dopamine receptors healthy and able to transmit and receive dopamine. These neurotransmitters are crucial for cognitive energy and drive, motor control, feelings of pleasure, and focus. If one does THC, worth the study-trial!
NO=Nitric Oxide (The dilator):
Stacking: (supplement intake together or a different times, to avoid competing):
Know your gut and eat & drink healthy! I also recommend the supplements menu above, according to manufactures directions and your doctor’s advice! There are some good doctor’s out there that practice homeopathic medicine. Praise the lord!
UNDERSTANDING: Once you get a feel for your supplements (experimenting with lonely but lovely research), you will learn and know who needs who as far as your supplemental goals for the day or week, etc., write it down or type yourself into “the system”! Your gut is your bank!
Gut Health: What Do Probiotics Do for Your Gut? | Align Probiotic (
Probiotics: What They Are, Benefits & Side Effects (
QUERCETIN: Overview, Uses, Side Effects, Precautions, Interactions, Dosing and Reviews (
Bone Broth (homemade or store): Bone Broth: How to Make It & Why You Should (
Being Blunt
The effects of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol on the dopamine system - PMC (
Cliff here. I love my supplementation along with my diet. I like to read everything that I am putting into my body and that includes my supplements for the day. Here is an example: If I’ve eaten great food for the day and supplements to compliment, what did I miss? Perhaps, I did not get enough potassium for the day, then I need to supplement! Did I get enough Zinc for the day, vitamin C,D, etc. Cross comparing and writing the daily intake down on paper! Here is a little guide to help in referencing and intake: A healthy diet should include the following essential nutrients12:
Vitamins: A diet rich in vegetable, fruits, and lean proteins should provide a person with plenty of vitamins.
Minerals: Minerals are the second type of micronutrients.
Protein: Protein is a macronutrient that every cell in the body needs to function properly.
Fats: People often associate high fat foods with bad health.
Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are essential to the body.
The importance of Iron: The Importance of Iron in Your Body | American Red Cross (
The importance of vitamin D and Magnesium when taken together: Magnesium Supplementation in Vitamin D Deficiency - PubMed (
Are you drinking enough water today? Water: How much should you drink every day? - Mayo Clinic
Dopamine and Serotonin Study notes:
Serotonin explained: Serotonin: What Is It, Function & Levels (
Easily Memorize Serotonin Synthesis Steps - YouTube
Dopamine explained: Dopamine: What It Is, Function & Symptoms (
Dopamine Deficiency: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment (
Neurotransmitters explained: Neurotransmitters: What They Are, Functions & Types (
Remember: Tyrosine=Dopamine and 5HTP=Serotonin
Tyrosine 5 HTP Taurine stacking.pdf
Stacking will include taking certain supplements at different times for the fullest absorption and to avoid competing. Currently, Cliff takes morning Tyrosine and water (give time to absorb) - Taurine at lunchtime, with a meal and before bed, 5-HTP. Make sure your vitamin supplements compliment any essential or non-essential amino intake, if you're going to instantly stack together (take at the same time). Monitor your food intake (write it down until you have a plan)! Get blood work to monitor your intakes, including Dopamine and Serotonin levels!
Ulta Lab Tests | Get Blood Tests Near You | Any Lab Test Now
NOTICE: Some supplements like Tyrosine need to be taken on an empty stomach to avoid competing, read and research! It is very important to understand how to keep in balance Serotonin and Dopamine!
NAC study (N-acetylcysteine): N-acetylcysteine as a potential treatment for novel coronavirus disease 2019 - PMC (
Omega 3: 17 Science-Based Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids ( >Worth the study!
Extra Virgin Olive Oil: 11 Proven Benefits of Olive Oil (
Taurine research: Researchers identify amino acid that may play a key role for predicting and treating long COVID | Folio (
Lysine and Arginine together: Arginine & Lysine | Healthfully
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